Thursday, December 22, 2011

ASDF City Hotel

ASDF, coba silahkan lihat ke arah keyboard anda dan cek 4 huruf petama dibawah deret qwerty. apa yang anda lihat ? Yap! itulah nama project semester saya kali ini. sebuah hotel yang terletak di Jl. Magelang, yogyakarta, tepatnya di depan TVRI. 

Kenapa namanya ASDF ? percayalah, semua berawal dari ketidak sengajaan. awalnya saya hanya iseng menuliskan judul ngasal untuk poster konsep Display mid semester saya. Terus saya lupa ngganti, sampe akhirnya kecetak masih dengan nama seperti itu.

Lalu, saya berpikir, ASDF ? bisa menjadi apakah 4 huruf ini? dan dengan kecerdasan luar biasa, saya mentransformasikannya menjadi 2 kata yang kemudian menjadi konsep desain hotel saya. Aesthetic & Delightful. 
Dan inilah Hotel yang luar biasa tersebut.
(klik gambarnya biar gede)


Keren kan ? Haha!

Itu 3d Modelnya saya buat pake SketchUp, terus saya Render pake Podium, dan saya Finsihing pake Photoshop. Dan karena software 3d model sama renderingnya tuh kelas basic, alias culun. maka saya harus kerja keras memphotoshopkannya biar 3dnya bisa hasilnya bagus. yahh, biarpun belum sebagus 3d modelnya dewa-dewa diluar sana sih. Tapi saya puas ko!

nahh, selain poster-poster dan gambar kerja yang membosankan, saya juga buat maket. Dan karena kali ini saya males buat maket, maka saya memutuskna buat pake teknologi Laser Cutting. dan beginilah hasilnya.
(klik gambarnya biar gede) 

Memang keren dan memuaskan banget hasilnya. tapi dibalik itu semua, segeala kekerenan ini, sukses menguras saldo di kartu penghasil uang saya. yaahh, ada kulaitas, ada harga. selain itu, saya juga belajar dari maket ini, kalo Males, Bodoh, Ceroboh, dan Sial itu, harganya Mahal !!

dan bicara mengenai Displaynya, hmmm..
semacam antiklimaks yang berbanding terbalik dengan usaha ngelembur berhari-hari, saya didisplay sama dosen yang hanya memberikan kesempatan untuk menjelaskan desain saya dalam 3 kalimat.  Yang artinya hanya berakhir dalam waktu kurang dari 1 menit !

Dan tentu saja, saya memilih menggunakan kata kuncinya, Aesthtetic, Delightful, dan Dinamis sebagai kata kunci ketiga atau tambahan. Yang lalu saya jabarkan secara singkat padat dan cepat. Hasilnya? hehe, kalau tidak salah lihat (semoga tidak), saya melihat abjad pertama dan tambahan + didepannya sebagai nilai dari dosen pendisplay tersebut. Alhamdulillah. Memuaskan sekali. Hahaha!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Provokasi !

Pernah terbangun dan merasa hampa ?
Menjadi zombie – zombie segar yang hidup tanpa jiwa.

Tahukah kalian bahwa berharap hanya akan membawa kecewa ?
Yaa, seharusnya kalian tahu itu.
Seharusnya saya tahu itu !
Tapi, terkadang, kita hanya terlalu bodoh untuk terjebak padanya.
Bukan disini, tapi disitu.
Dibalik rusuk, yang menjadi bahan baku hawa.

Siapa bilang bicara itu mudah ?
Saya yakin ! di dunia ini ada jutaan orang kecewa karena gagal mengungkapkan keinginannya.
Saya yakin ! di dunia ini ada jutaan orang yang hanya mampu mengendapkan ribuan kalimat kebencian di pikirannya.
Bertahan dari melontarkannya.
Yaa, bahkan terkadang kita harus bertarung dengan diri sendiri
Untuk bisa siap berbicara.

Kita terlahir egois.
Kita selalu menginginkan dunia untuk memperlakukan kita sesuai keinginan kita.
Kita selalu menginginkan dunia untuk berlaku, hidup, berjalan dan berbicara,
Sesuai kehendak kita !
Tapi lagi – lagi, kita mungkin terlalu lemah untuk bisa membuatnay seperti itu

Ini adalah sebuah provokasi !
Bukan sugesti !
Lahir dari pertarungan pikiran dan hati.
Untuk jiwa – jiwa yang telah mati.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


still it's hard to resist
even with a deep breath
this trail of anger
still live in every beat

been dragging these whole time
the story had finally done its last beat

yeah i'm a hollow
wasting my time looking for a shadow in the rain
and this night
i stand as a solo
reminding me of last year
when everything was grey
but you successfully made my day

if the sea and the sky have their very own reason
so why am i blue ?
if this decision was right
so why is it so hard to live with ?

Sunday, October 30, 2011

People's Judge

Pernah dengar istilah teori Labeling ? yap! Teori ini berkonsep bahwa karakter seseorang bisa terbentuk dari ”label” yang diberikan padanya. Bagaimana ini bisa terjadi? berikut ilustrasi analisis saya.

Misalnya seseorang pernah atau mungkin seringkali disebut pemalas oleh orang-orang disekitarnya. Pernyataan ini kemudian akan terngiang dikepala orang tersebut, dan kemudian akan membuatnya bertanya pada dirinya sendiri. Apakah saya memang pemalas?

Keraguan ini akan membuatnya rapuh, dan orang yang rapuh mudah dipengaruhi, dengan orang-orang terus menyebutnya seperti itu maka sedikit demi sedikit kerapuhannya akan hilang. Bukan dia akan yakin bahwa dia bukanlah seorang pemalas.Sebaliknya, dia akan yakin bahwa ia memang pemalas dan akan semakin terbentuk menjadi seorang pemalas.

Menarik sekali bahwa perkataan kita bisa kemudian membentuk karakter seseorang. Tapi apa yang kita katakan pasti ada dasarnya bukan ? Misalnya seperti ilustrasi diatas, orang-orang disekitar pasti menyebutnya pemalas karena pernah melihanya seperti itu. Masalahnya adalah, apakah kemudian orang-orang itu sudah cukup mengenalnya untuk menjudgenya seperti itu ? ataukah hanya berdasar satu-dua kejadian ? atau yang terparah, hanya berdasarkan omongan orang-orang lainnya.

Padahal, sifat atau pembawaan seseorang bisa berubah sesekali karena ada suatu hal tertentu. Pembawaan merupakan cerminan hati, baik itu kemudian tercermin di wajah, cara bicara atau sebagainya. Seseorang mungkin menjadi malas karena sedang terjadi hal buruk menimpanya. Seseorang mungkin terlihat tidak bersahabat karena dia sedang kesal akan suatu hal. Dan mungkin saat seperti inilah saat seseorang melihat dan langsung menjudgenya seperti itu sebelum mengenalnya lebih jauh.

Pernyataan segelintir orang, kemudian mensugesti kita untuk melihat orang lain seperti apa yang mereka katakan. Dan sebelum memiliki kesempatan untuk mengenalnya lebih jauh, kita sudah terlanjur menjudgenya seperti itu. Dan akhirnya terlibat dalam pembentukan karakternya menjadi seperti itu. Mengerikan sekali bukan bagaimana kita bisa dengan mudahnya menjerumuskan orang kedalam sifat-sifat tidak baik ?

Seorang teman saya pernah membuat status di facebook kira-kira seperti ini.

”what you see about me, is only what I want you to see”

Status yang sangat menarik menurut saya. Kita punya hak dan punya kemapuan untuk menunjukan sisi-sisi tertentu dari diri kita pada kebanyakan orang, dan sisi lainnya hanya pada orang-orang tertentu. Terutama saat kita sudah berusaha menunjukan sisi lain dari diri kita pada kebanyakan orang, tetapi mereka tetap melihat dan mungkin menjudge kita pada sisi yang ia lihat, yang mungkin saja sudah terpengaruh oleh sugesti dari orang-orang disekitarnya.

Dan sedikit cerita tentang saya kalau boleh (kalau tidak silahkan skip membaca empat paragraf), Saya termasuk orang yang melakukan seperti apa yang distatus oleh teman saya itu. Dan belakangan ini saya semakin menunjukannya. Saya jenuh! Saya sudah muak dengan orang-orang yang selalu mengomentari wajah tidak bersahabat saya, dan mungkin cara bicara saya. Betapapun saya berusaha untuk meyakinkan mereka bahwa saya tidak bermaksud seperti itu.

Yaa, walaupun saya sudah mendengarnya semenjak saya kecil, saya tetap kesal setiap orang berkata ”mukanya santai aja dong”, ”mukanya biasa aja kali..” , ”mukamu ngeselin max ndrox! ”, ”mukamu ngajak berantem” , ”muka lo senga banget”, ”mukamu kok jutek ee ndroo.?”  dan parahnya semenjak saya kuliah saya hampir mendengar itu setiap hari. Dan karena sudah terlalu jenuh dengan pernyataan itu, saya hanya bisa menjawab ”dari lahir !”.

See ? that was me when i was in kindergarten. Did I meant to ask for a fight to the photographer ? or maybe my teachers and principal ? think logically. And you’ll see that I didn’t mean to ask for a fight, but I did show that asking for a fight face.

Lalu belakangan ini saya berpikir, betapapun saya berusaha untuk menunjukan sisi lain saya, orang-orang toh tetap menganggap saya ngeselin, jutek, jahat. Terus kenapa saya harus tetap berusaha? Bagaimana jika saya semakin tunjukan saja sisi itu ? Biar saya menjadi anatgonis sekalian. Agar mereka bisa melihat, inilah “karya” mereka. Inilah karakter bentukan mereka. Iniliah orang jahat hasil perkataan mereka. Dan akhirnya, saya melakukannya !

the awaken darkside

Seperti yang telah saya katakan sebelumnya, kita memiliki hak dan kemampuan untuk memilih mau menunjukan sisi mana dari diri kita. Dan bagi saya, saya akan semakin menunjukan apa yang mereka yakini bagaimana diri saya. Saya hanya akan berbagi sisi lain dari diri saya pada mereka yang saya kehendaki. Kepada mereka yang melihat saya, lebih dari apa yang dilihat oleh orang biasanya.

”i’ve found the reason for me, to change who i used to be. And the reason is you”
- the reason, hoobastank

Sebuah lagu menarik yang berkisah tentang keinginan berubah untuk orang tertentu. Yaa selain dari perkataan atau “judge” dari kebanyakan orang, seseorang juga bisa beruba karena orang-orang tertentu. Yang pastinya merupakan seorang yang spesial baginya. Entah itu keluarga, sahabat, atau mungkin pacar.

Tapi merubah karakter bukanlah perkara mudah, karakter terbentuk dari kehidupan sehari-hari ditambah sifat bawaan dari orang tua kita. Karakter ini pastilah sebuah hal yang terbentuk dari proses panjang dan lama. Dan pastinya, membutuhkan waktu yang lama juga untuk merubahnya. 

“semua hanyalah keterbatasanku saja. Tak mampu menjadi yang kau mau, aku mencoba. Dan aku tak mampu”
- kerispatih , aku harus jujur

Seperti lanjutan dari lagu hoobastank tadi, lagu ini menceritakan tentang seseorang yang gagal menjadi apa yang diininginkan oleh orang lain. Seseorang yang lagi-lagi, tentunya spesial baginya.

Sebenarnya apa sih yang ingin saya sampaikan pada posting ini ? Sederhana saja. Pahamilah dan mengertilah orang lain lebih jauh. Hindari menjudge seseorang, karena itu mungkin akan mnejerumuskannya pada sifat-sifat tidak baik. Dan mengertilah orang lain sebagaimana dia. Bertoleransilah. Perbedaan diantara kita yang membuat kehidupan ini menarik. Hindari mengharapkan seseorang menjadi seperti apa yang kita inginkan.

”everyone has their very own colour, love them just the way they are ”
- hendro prasetyo.

Saturday, October 29, 2011


yeah i've lived like this before.
where every happening seems sucks.
when bad things just come one after another.
where everything seems dark and gloom.
when screams try to go out of this chest in almost every time.
when every pleasure just come for some minutes,
and then leaves nothing but a trail of anger.

yeah i'm an antagonist !
but please,
don't let me fall into this valley of hatred again.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Menuju Kemenangan

“don’t make yourself good. Make yourself good enough to win instead”

Have you ever felt that you’ve done well but still you got nothing but lost and disappointment? Sucks ehh? Well, the problem is, it’s not that you’re not good. But you’re not good enough !

Kalah, siapapun pasti gasuka hal ini, apalagi kalo kalah setelah berjuang dengan baik. Pasti rasanya kayak dunia tuh ga adil. Kesel sampe ke ubun-ubun! Yahh, setidaknya itu yang saya rasakan. Dan itulah kenapa saya selalu ingin tahu siapa yang mengalahkan saya, dan seperti apa hasil perbuatan kompetitor saya itu.

Menyalahkan dunia dan mengangap juri tidak adil, adalah pemikiran pecundang. Duduk di sudut kamar, sibuk menyeka air mata, sambil meratapi kekalahan, adalah tindakan pecundang. Sedang seorang pejuang hebat, akan segera bangkit, mengoreksi kekalahan, belajar dari para pemenang dan bertekad untuk berbuat lebih baik di kesempatan berikutnya. Tentu saja harus cukup baik untuk membuatnya menang.

“ di atas lapangan, semua orang pasti pernah sekali atau dua kali mengalami kejadian memalukan. Hanya saja, para pemain kelas atas, sebagai penghargaan atas usaha keras mereka, akan segera berdiri kembali. Sedang pemain kelas menengah akan kembali berdiri beberapa saat kemudian. Dan para pecundang, akan tetap berbaring di tanah ”  - darrel royal

Seperti yang telah saya tuliskan sebelumnya di post “the magic of comic”. Selama kemungkinan belum 0%, masih terlalu cepat untuk menyerah. Begitulah kata Youichi Hiruma. Tapi, bukankah bodoh untuk maju kedalam medan perang yang tidak mungkin dimenangkan ?

Buat apa berusaha kalau kita yakin kita tidak mampu memenangkannya. Sekedar mencoba-coba dengan harapan mungkin keberuntungan akan menolong kita ? atau berpikir yang penting sudah berusaha. Hasil tidak penting, yang penting proses.

Okay, tapi apakah tidak terasa sia-sia semua yang telah kita perjuangkan kalau kita tidak menang ? apakah dengan berpikir seperti itu, lantas kita tidak akan kecewa kalau kita nantinya kalah ?

Yahh, menurut saya, tidak bodoh kalau kita maju kedalam medan perang yang tidak mungkin kita menangkan. Dengan satu syarat. Kita harus yakin kita bisa memenangkannya !

Mungkin atau tidak, kita belum tahu kalau belum berusaha. Kalau tidak berusaha sama sekali, itu baru tidak mungkin menang. Kalau di awal, secara logika, menurut statistik dan segala perhitungan probabilitas yang ada, kita tidak mungkin memenangkannya, maka berusahalah sekeras-kerasnya , secerdas-cerdasnya, untuk membuatnya menjadi mungkin dimenangkan.

Hanya coba-coba dan mengharap keberuntungan, atau berpikir yang penting sudah berusaha, adalah sifat dari pecundang dan pengecut yang tak berani mengejar puncak. Apapun yang kita ingin perjuangkan, lomba, sayembara, kompetisi, atau apapun, pastikan kita mengejar puncaknya. Pastikan kemenangan adalah target utama kita. Yakinkan diri dan beranikan diri untuk mengatakan target kita. Juara Pertama !

”menang dan kalah dalam pertandingan adalah hal yang wajar”

Pasti familiar dengan kalimat tersebut bukan? Yahh, entah siapa yang membuat kalimat itu, tapi menurut saya, kalimat itu salah! Karena kalimat itu mengajarkan kita untuk menerima kekalahan sebagai sesuatu yang wajar.

Menang adalah hal yang wajar ! itu yang mestinya kita tanamkan dalam diri kita. Sehingga kita akan terbiasa untuk menang, dan saat kekalahan menimpa kita, kita akan merasa tidak nyaman, dan ingin segera kembali pada hal yang wajar menurut kita, Menang !

Menang, menang dan menang. Sepanjang post ini, hanya itu yang saya bicarakan. Semacam orang yang terobsesi dengan kemenangan. Yaa, saya memang haus akan kemenangan. Sudah lama semenjak terakhir kali saya merasakan udara kemenangan, dan atmosfernya yang bisa menarik bibir saya membentuk lekuk bahagia.

I hate to lose ! saya benci kekalahan! Saya ingin menang. Saya ingin selalu menang dalam segala yang saya perjuangkan jika memungkinkan. Tidakkah kalian begitu ?

Sunday, July 31, 2011

4 Days in Singapore

Singapore, a very well organized country I guess. They’ve organized almost everything from the simplest thing to the most difficult. They organized people, transportation, where plants should be planted, they even organized water, so they can have enough water to later be processed into drinks and everything, but when heavy rain comes, they won’t have flood as problem. And one best thing Singapore organized I think, is their dreams, their visions for a better future, to make a better country.

the miniature of the all well organized country
Singapore has almost nothing compared to Indonesia in natural resources. But you know, Allah Maha Adil , Singapore may have almost nothing in natural resources, But it has far far far better human resources. There, in Singapore, people respect time so much. They walk fast, they use rapid transportation, and they even give some space for people in hurry. So, instead of “Alon – alon asal kelakon” just like here, I think they prefer fast and safe. They also respect so much for every rules applied. The words rules are meant to be broken, is not something they even want to consider. That’s why in Singapore, everything is well organized. 

And how could I possibly know these ? well, I’ve been in Singapore just recently. I lived for four days, and learned so much things already. I actually going there together with my classmates in Architecture. We we’re going for “KKA” , somekind of precedence studies in Architecture. We came to Singapore, in order to learn “Sustainable Architecture” from some buildings. But just like what I’ve said before, I fortunately learned lots of things instead of just this sustainable architecture thing.

That’s it. A little introduction of Singapore. I hope I’ll have a chance to go back there soon.

And what is exactly what I’ve done for 4 days there ? well this journal will pretty much explain it I guess. 

Day 1           Day 2           Day 3           Day 4 

and yeah, since this journal works also as my reminder and my report, then i have to write and tell almost everything. So this is why, this post become the longest post i've ever made.
hope you'll enjoy it. Hahaha!

4 Days in Singapore

Day 4

Day 4 is a free day, free day for me equals with Adventure Day. And so, as I planned before, first I was going to Singapore Zoo together with Reza and Andin, and after that we’re traveling along Singapore.

At about 10 am of local time, we’re done our panel discussion and reviewing our trip for the last 3 days. And so, we went straight to the nearest MRT station (Al-Junied), to go to Ang Mo Kio station, to later continuing by bus 189 to Singapore Zoo. The journey itself has become and adventure already. Since it’s located so far away from our hotel, and located at the edge of Singapore. It takes about one and a half our even by using all Rapid Transportation.

At about 12 in the afternoon, we finally reached Singapore Zoo, it has a cool entrance made of wood, and it has a unique ticket with barcodes behind it to open the gate, so we can enter the zoo. Singapore  zoo is the world’s best Rainforest zoo. That’s what the brochure said. 

And so, we have about 4 hours walking around this zoo. They don’t put the animals, in the cage, they just let them free in their space. Instead, they have some aquariums like for us so we can have a closer look at even to the beast.

It has also a huge dome inside that works as the butterfly, and bird park. We can travel along this dome, and have a rainforest adventure like experience. A very cool place I think. And I luckily had myself a chance being passed by some birds just next to me. Definitely one of the best experience I’ve had of all.   

The Entrance to The Dome
Feeling enough of enjoying the zoo, we went to the souvenir shop. Well, I actually interested in some merchandise they sell, but I ended up buying only the coolest one, a “poncho” of Singapore zoo.

 some animal photographs i took

Rejak's expressions

As we planned before, after having great times in Singapore Zoo, we’re traveling around Singapore. And it begins first when Reza took the wrong bus, that makes us later being brought to I don’t know where named Choa Chu Kang. Luckily in Singapore, wherever you think you’ve lost, all you need is just going to the nearest MRT station, and you’re safe already.

the distance between choa chu kang and ang mo kio

And so we went to the Cho Chu Kang MRT station and bought tickets to Bugis. Bugis is a place where we can buy some souvenirs. Arrived at Bugis, I luckily had a a chance of meeting her. But that time she seemed angry, so I decided to move on rather than annoyed her for more.

It’s about 4 pm at local time, and we haven’t had a pray yet. So we asked for the nearest Mosque, and move to there. It wasn’t far enough from Bugis, but it brought us to Arab Street already. We had our pray there, and go back to Bugis. We bought some souvenirs there, well, I actually only bought one T-shirt for my father. Since there’s nothing on my size that looking good enough and there’s nothing so for my sister, we continue our trip to Chinatown.

Chinatown is so much like a street market decorated by so many Lampions hanging. It sells Singapore souvenirs and some unique stuff. There’s also a food court that sells all Chinese food.
We had two laps walking around Chinatown before I finally decided to buy two clothes. And during that walking time in Chinatown, we walked too far till we reached little India. It smells really India there. Yeah, it smells so much like incense.

Done with shoping time, we’re going to Vivo City. And a little more incident happened. We bought a wrong ticket to Marina Bay instead of  Harbour Front. And so, we trapped inside the station since the machine refused to open. It said “insufficient funds” . Feeling a little in trouble, we decided to go to Passenger Office, and then we’re asked for 10 cents, so we gave what we’re asked for, so our ticket card is upgraded and we finally could go out of that station.

We’re actually going to Vivo City to have a meeting alumni time. As I remembered that the meeting should happen at Amphitheatre of Vivo City sky Park. But this is where another incident happened. We were at the meeting point, but there’s no one we know exist. So we walked around the sky park, wishing that we’d meet someone we know, but unluckily, we’re not. (Later we know that the meeting point is changed to Dhobby Ghaut Sky Park)

Having a super tired legs, we decided to go home. That’s when we met Chery, another friend of us. We don’t know why, but meeting Chery felt so much relieving. So we went back to our hotel together, and have a chance to walk by the Lor.18 of Geylang (the “worst” Lor of Geylang). And that’s it. Our Adventure is over. AN AWESOME LEG KILLING JOURNEY. Hahaha!

4 Days in Singapore

Day 3

Marina Barrage, DP Architect, Esplanade, and SCAPE, are our destinations for today. Actually there’re also WOHA architect and National Library, but these destinations went for another bus.

Marina Barrage is the place where Singapore controls its water. It treats rain water into drinkable water here. And since Marina Barrage is located abut the sea, then it also works as a dam. So, when heavy rain comes, Marina Barrage pumps the water out to the sea in order to avoid Flood.

Why pumping out ? Why don’t they just open the dam and let the water just going out naturally ? well, it’s because they don’t want the sea water to contaminate the rain water they’ve collected. Since this rain water is the main resources for them to later be treated into drinkable water.

There in Marina Barrage, there’s also Singapore Sustainable Gallery. It’s where Singapore informs what they’ve done, and what are they going to do to make Singapore Sustainable. There’re so many models inside to inform us so much things, and they’re all presented well interesting. There’s also the model of Marina Bay to inform us how it works when heavy rain comes. And this model is located inside the honest concrete walled room completed with acrylic made board showing us some facts and information on it, a very cool room I think. And I do like it a lot.

Marina Barrage has also a green roof and solar park (somekind of park with many solar panel planted) on top of it. And this green roof extends from the ground floor to the top. A huge green roof facing one of the best view of Singapore. 

Done having some photographs on Marina Barrage, we went to DP Architect. DP arch, is a huge architecture firm, it’s undoubtly one of the best in Singapore. And one fun fact of DP Arch is, its office is located inside a Mall.  Yeah, they’ve built so many buildings, but they chose to just having spaces inside a Mall instead of building something cool for their office.

And my first impression about their space is, “this is how an architect office should be” , it’s almost all white and the space feels so comfy. They have a studio, a mini gallery or display room of their projects, a lounge with mini library to discuss some projects, and a meeting room. Well, I’ve been working in Architecture firm of my lecturer, and thinking of where I usually get to work, I’m feeling ironic.

There in DP arch, we were presented by a young Architect. I forgot his name, but considering the way he spoke, and what he presented, I guess he’s the principal. It’s so cool for me that a man on his age has become a principal of such huge Architectural firm like DP. Ahh, I wished I can have a chance to work there in DP for next semester or next year. Amin.

photographs of : Angela Rinta

During the presentation, I found out that DP Arch, has the main point in fulfilling clients needs. And one of my favorite words of all presentation is, “sometimes, you don’t have to make your building shout, sometimes you just need to make the invisible one, the point is, it supports what this building needs, the function of this building” . And what he meant as shouting building is Zaha Hadid or Frank Gehry like building. But it doesn’t mean that building something Zaha Hadid like or Frank Gehry like is bad. Well, it’s cool also, but you cannot always do that. Because if you keep doing that, then later, it wont be that cool anymore I think.

Next on, we went to Esplanade, it actually located just across the Mall where DP Architect is. Esplanade is a theatre, or concert hall, or something like that in function. It’s also sometimes called as Durian Building since its form look like so. Some people also said it Microphone Building since it also look like it.

We spent just a little time on Esplanade, since there’s nothing much to observe. The only interesting point is its Durian Skin, and we went to the almost roof top to take a closer look at it. Some people said that this Durian skin can move due to the movement and differences of sunlight. Some people said it’s impossible according to the framework. And so we have a little debate on the next day when we review our trip. I think it’s moveable because I think it would be cool if it is so. Hahaha! Do you think it’s moveable ?

Feeling not so much interested in observing Esplanade, we went to the Merlion to have some photographs. Well it’s located quite far form esplanade, but still reachable by walking. I actually really want to have one photograph with her in there. But due to the conditions, it’s impossible that time. And I don’t do anything to make it possible. So, I instead make a sketch of it and wished that someday this sketch will turn into one photograph. 

We have also a little story about this Merlion. So, there’s a guy named Ribas (not a real name), he had a story with a girl (should not be mentioned the name) , and there’s a rumors spread that Ribas, would finally  express his hugger-mugger love to the girl , he wanted to make a confession there near the statue of Merlion. But there’s no further information about it. Well, I hope he could get what he wanted. Haha!

Feeling tired already, we went to our last destination. It’ s SCAPE*. It’s actually a mall. But later it turns out to be a youth center. It has some retails just like what a mall usually have. But it also has some spaces for youth people to develop their talents or interest. 

photographs of : Angela Rinta

There’s a dance school, dance yard (if I may say so), social space, skate park, basketball field, youth radio station, and even game center (it’s not just game center like we usually go to just play online games. It’s a real CENTER).

And one more thing, Those retails they have there only sells some youth needs, whether it’s fashion stuffs or hobbies, they’re all only for young people. I hope that one day, I can have chance and everything it takes to  make this kind of youth center in Indonesia. Amin.

4 Days in Singapore

Day 2

In this second day of our trip. We were going to NUS and have a lecture about ZEB, which is the second destination of that day, and then going to URA, and last having a great walking time in Henderson Wave and Forest Walk.

9 in the morning, we began our lecture with Prof.Wong in charge of explaining. He’s one from three professors doing experiment in ZEB. A great Man I guess, he explained everything in English, but I can understand it clearly, since he spoke perfectly clear and his explanation is amazingly easy to understand. He gave us lots of information about ZEB and some tips about green building. 

Mr. Wong

      photographs of Angela Rinta 

And this short lecture (it lasted about two hours, but somehow I felt it so short) I  think is the best learning green building time I had of all my trip.

ZEB means Zero Energy Building, but not like it’s name, it’s not really zero in consuming energy. It’s Impossible for a building to consume zero energy. So, what happened in this ZEB is, it reduces the use of energy to almost zero. It’s quite difficult to understand, but Prof. Wong showed us some calculating and diagrams that showed this almost zero thing.

In ZEB, there’re some experimental green features such as light pipes (a glass made dome like that works as sun light distributor), solar chimney (a chimney that takes up then out heat from a room using stack effect), a displacement cooling system (an AC installed on the floor and somekind of speakers), Solar Panel to provide electricity, Green roof, green wall, and some experimental shadings and windows. 

Solar Chimney
Green Roof
Light Pipes
Green Wall
There’s also a mini gallery on the first floor consisting all the miniatures of green features installed in this building, so that people can understand more about how it all works.

Feeling enough with ZEB, we went to URA. This is where all BIG PLANS of Singapore is revealed. URA for me is the best designed place I visited of all. It has the greatest space I’ve ever been. A circle all black carpeted room with 5 screens inside giving us an introduction of Singapore.

There in URA, they have a room with huge model of Singapore consisting all built cool buildings and great ideas they’re going to make them happened. They have also some spaces to inform how Singapore was, how old buildings in Singapore treated, and everything we need to know about their BIG PLANS.


And as a bonus, we have also an exhibition from Richard Rogers on the first floor. A wonderful exhibition with wonderful things exhibited, and wonderful ways of exhibiting. I really wished that later our “Pasca KKA” will at least be like it. Amin. 

photographs of : Angela Rinta

photographs of : Nur Zahrotunissa Zagi

Having our legs really tired and quite aching, we’re still going to forest walk. Yeah. Just like it’s name , this forest walk is designed to have great walking time just like in forest. But due to my legs condition, I chose to just stay in Henderson Wave. A spiral like bridge facing one of the best view in Singapore.

photographs of : Satrio Teguh Nugroho

I think this bridge is actually designed for people who have tired of walking in forest walk, but since I’ve tired even before walking in forest walk, then I just rested instead. 

photographs of : Satrio Teguh Nugroho
Having enough rest, my friend Juri asked me to go to Jembatan berbatas langit . An intresting place just by the name I guess, and so I joined him also with another friend Satrio. Juri then took us the wrong way. We unintendedly  reached a highway instead of Jembatan berbatas langit Juri said before.
And so we kept walking, walking, and walking, till we met another friend of us. They said we still have to go further to reach this jembatan berbatas langit, which is actually the forest walk we have to study.

Considering the visiting time we had is not much left enough, we decided to run just to see this forest walk thing. And so we ran, ran, ran, till we finally reached forest walk. It’s cool place to walk. It zig zag-ly up and down ramps like made of somekind of horizontally holed steel I guess. But since we hove not much time left, we just took some photographs there, and then again, we ran back to Henderson Wave. It went oppositely like I planned, which is just to have a good rest in Henderson Wave.

photographs of : Satrio Teguh Nugroho
picture taken from google

And ohh! We had a little incident happened that time. So, we had two bus(s) parked near the Henderson Wave. It’s in a “turunan” where the bus(s) parked. Don’t know why, one of the bus suddenly went backwards downly towards the other bus. And so the crash happened. “BRACK !!”. both of the mirrors of the bus(s) were broken, but thank God, no one is injured. 

sketsa rekonstruksi kejadian

 photographs of : Satrio Teguh Nugroho
And so, we had to change our bus(s), so we were “dropped” in the nearest mall, vivo city. We had dinner there, till we then picked up by the new bus and going back to our hotel.