Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Women That

A perfect partner of life / wife is a women that :

Smart enough that she can take care about me, 
accompanying me to do what is right,
tell me what is good when i come for a doubt
teach what is right for my children, teach me how to play piano
do a duet with me while she's playing a violin 
assisting me to do what i suck at and incapable of 
to do what she wants to not always what she has to 
work at house as a creative worker while at the same time be a great mother and housewives

and the most important is, 
to understand me for what i am, what i do, and what i believe, no matter at what conditions, even if it's good or bad, right or wrong, or whatever. Because i'm not perfect and she has to be smart enough to understand that i cant be perfect, or simply be what she wants.

Yet she is stupid enough to do stupid things that can make us both happy 
do great things spontaneously , 
to sometimes just do things without think, 
quit her job for a while and do a "modal jempol"  backpacking with me,  
and of course stupid enough to have me as her life partner. hahaha! this last thing is a joke.

A perfect partner of life / wife is at least a women like :

Mamori Anezaki
Beautiful, Smart, Caring, and know how to deal with the devil. hahaha!

Crab !

it's funny to think that no matter how much time i spent alone i've still never got used to it

Two Years

" now that my life is empty and kind of miserable i'm thinking of having a girlfriend, so that there'll be someone who'll care about me and my life won't be this empty anymore "

Remember that ?
I believe you are.

Yes, those words are the words that started everything and made us what we were. 
Someone who care. That's the only thing we asked.
Thing we both failed to be and of course to have.