I’m not Sherlock plays no Romeo
Cause life is worth more than a Ho
Can’t solve this puzzle I know the answer no
So what’s with you and your radio ?
Sending signals not clear where to go
Play the game won’t get no T.K.O
Can never let myself run out of ammo
Just like Barney acts cool the Rebound Bro
Yeah wished I was Matt Parkman cause that way I’ll
be a hero
But I can’t even know if you have plus one or a
Hey girl I’d like to wrap it up with you but it
aint end with O
Just like XOXO or the word popo
Passenger may success singing Let Her Go
But my success is to not let you go
( I want O – Hendro Prasetyo )
So it’s been two
weeks since I landed my ass on one of the most beautiful Island in the world
named Bali. And it’s been two weeks minus two days ever since I have been
working on a whole new project of designing a Public Space in Makassar.
Yeah, two days after
my arrival, I went to my office for the first time. A wooden and bamboo made
small office located in a place called The Little Tree. After a short
Introduction to the studio and a bit “Zing…”
moment, my 30 something year old principle finally came with his curly
shoulder-length hair and his police-like glasses hanging on his shirt neck. He
shook my hand, introduced himself, and invited me to join in his Skype meeting
with a client from Makassar.
Ya, tanpa banyak
basa-basi, si pak principle langsung
aja gitu ngajak saya meeting dengan
klien via Skype. Saya yang notabene
anak baru langsung aja dapet satu projek sendiri buat ngedesain sebuah Public Space plus Club House di sebuah residensial di Makassar bernama Insignia. Yang
menarik adalah, si Principle ternyata
termasuk aliran Gila, suka main-main , dan coba-coba dalam mendesain.
“ yeah, I think this project is gonna be fun. We can play around with
the design and design some crazy stuff here. “
Begitulah kira-kira
arahan pertama si bapak untuk saya dalam menegerjakan projek ini. Lantas ia
menunjukan konsep masterplan yang sudah terlebih dahulu ia kerjakan untuk
kemudian saya develop sesuka hati. Dan semenjak itulah, 2 minggu berlalu cepat
hingga akhirnya, setelah beberapa kali trial
and error , accept and rejection, titik
dua kurang buka dan titik buka kurung tutup munculah sebuah konsep desain yang
telah disetujui oleh ketiga belah pihak. Saya. Charlie the Principle. Dan Pak
Wijaya sebagai perwakilan klien. Tiga orang yang kebetulan memiliki selera gila
untuk bisa menerima desain seperti ini.
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The Masterplan [Property of Inspiral Aarchitect] |
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The Crazy-Fun Design in Animate Version [Property of Inspiral Aarchitect] |
Sempat merasa terlalu Frank Gehry -ish, Saya kemudian mendesain 2 alternatif lain untuk projek ini hingga akhirnya saya mengajukan tiga alternatif. 2 alternatif yang saya memang suka, dan satu alternatif yang entah kenapa si pak boss bisa bilang “it’s also a legitimate alternative” meskipun saya sendiri sudah bilang kalau saya ga suka sama desainnya.
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The Crazy-Fun Design in Perspective Concept Sketch [Property of Inspiral Architect] |
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The Crazy-Fun Design in Elevation Concept Sektch [Property of Inspiral Aarchitect] |
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The Alternative [Property of Inspiral Aarchitect] |
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The Alternative [Property of Inspiral Aarchitect] |
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The Alternative [Property of Inspiral Aarchitect] |
If this is just a
competition entry or any college assignment, then I’ll be entirely satisfied
with what I’ve done. But the thing is, this is a real life situation. What I draw,
what I design, is going to be built. Yeah, B.U.I.L.T. So instead of felling
satisfied, I’m feeling more afraid and excited of how things is gonna be.
I may going to have
to draw the detailed engineering drawings myself since we don’t have drafter in
the office. And I have completely no idea of how I’m going to supposed to draw
those things. So yeah, I’m screwed. But I’m Psyched !
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The Sculpmbrella - Alternative Version The Alternative [Property of Inspiral Aarchitect] |
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The Sculpmbrella - Chosen Alternative [Property of Inspiral Aarchitect] |
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The Dining Area - Undeveloped Version [Property of Inspiral Aarchitect] |
Anyway, Inspiral
Architect is literarily expanding itself quite much at the moment. Setelah si jenius
ini, kami baru aja kedatangan dua orang baru sebagai Intern, yang keduanya adalah bule. Satu seorang Intern pria di bidang marketing dari
Jerman bernama Andy. Dan satu lagi seorang Intern
wanita di bidang arsitektur dari Hungary bernama Andy. Ya, saya ga salah
ketik. Dua-duanya memang bernama Andy.
So, we’re still
expanding. There will be 4 more spots to fill. So if you’re interested, just
send out your portfolio to info@inspiralarchitects.com like real soon. Maybe,
just maybe if you’re going to be accepted, you’ll be assigned to help me
develop the design for more, and of course draft the drawings. So yeah, come
send your portfolio. I’d really like to see any of you here soon. Especially
you ! no ! not you ! but you. yeah, even tough I know that you said that you just
want to have a future in Design, and not architecture, But still. Just try and
send. We’re playing with design here.
Well, I guess that is
all the report for now. Guess It’ll be quite long before my other report. If you’ve
just finished your final assignment and is currently enjoying your after project
moment, please enjoy. If you’ve just graduated and is currently looking for job,
then duhh~ lots offer out there. Just
go out and choose one. If you’re currently studying in college, then God Forbid
you are not enjoying that. It’s like the best time of your life. So if you haven’t
enjoyed it, go out from your cage and do something crazy-responsible-fun. You
may not have much time. And if you’re like me working in any office. Just enjoy
your job, your office, your office mates, and your boss. If you can’t, QUIT.
Shoot I’ve said too
much stuff already, that’s it I’m signing out. Bye Folks !